Our Grid support tree grid? how to do?
I don't think you will be able to get the grid to do this, exactly. For example, placing the RowSelectors on the far left (to the left of the expansion indicators) is not possible.
But most of the rest of this should be doable. It looks like you want to bind the grid to a recursive data source, like a DataSet with a single table and a relation from that table back to itself.
You would need to change InterbandSpacing to remove the space between bands. You will need to set HeaderPlacement to FixedOnTop so you only get a single header.
The images you have at the beginning of the row will probably have to be part of the first cell, rather than a separate column.
The summaries can be done using the grid's built-in Summaries collection on the band.
This is not the answer to my question. I think it can use ultratree+ultraWinGrid to do it. just like treelist control.