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Howto show Captions in toolbars (groups)


After I've been dotting my way through the framework and overloadet google servers I hope someone can help me with this little question :)

I'm trying to make captions for my toolbars. Like the ones shown below.

So far I've created the following code giving the below toolbar

LiveViewIcon = new ButtonTool("_HomeIcon");
LiveViewIcon.SharedProps.Caption = L.t("Home");
LiveViewIcon.SharedProps.AppearancesLarge.Appearance.Image = ImageLoader.GetImage("Home_27x30");
LiveViewIcon.SharedProps.DisplayStyle = ToolDisplayStyle.ImageAndText;
LiveViewIcon.SharedProps.Enabled = true;
LiveViewIcon.SharedProps.Visible = true;
LiveViewIcon.InstanceProps.IsFirstInGroup = true;

ListViewIcon = new ButtonTool("_DataIcon");
ListViewIcon.SharedProps.Caption = L.t("Data");
ListViewIcon.SharedProps.AppearancesLarge.Appearance.Image = ImageLoader.GetImage("Lists_30x30");
ListViewIcon.SharedProps.DisplayStyle = ToolDisplayStyle.ImageAndText;
ListViewIcon.SharedProps.Enabled = true;
ListViewIcon.SharedProps.Visible = true;
ListViewIcon.InstanceProps.IsFirstInGroup = true;

m_UTManager.Toolbars[m_ViewsQuickLaunch].DockedRow = 1;
m_UTManager.Toolbars[m_ViewsQuickLaunch].DockedColumn = 0;
m_UTManager.Toolbars[m_ViewsQuickLaunch].Tools.AddToolRange(new string[] { "_HomeIcon", "_DataIcon"});

m_UTManager.Toolbars[m_ViewsQuickLaunch].Settings.UseLargeImages = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True;
m_UTManager.Toolbars[m_ViewsQuickLaunch].Settings.CaptionPlacement = Infragistics.Win.TextPlacement.BelowImage;
m_UTManager.Toolbars[m_ViewsQuickLaunch].Settings.Appearance.FontData.Bold = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True;



  • 6158
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted


    The captions you are referring to in the first image, are from the RibbonGroup.  RibbonGroups are only available within a RibbonTab when using the Office 2007 Ribbon UI style. Captions of this nature cannot be implemented on Standard and MainMenu toolbars.

    The closest you could get to group captions on a standard toolbar, would be to create individual user controls for each group, that contained both a UltraToolbarManager with the tools within a group, as well as the caption. You can then place this user control on the Toolbar using a ControlContainerTool. Unfortunately,  all the event firing would occur on the user controls, so you'd have to propagate the event firing back to the main form.

    I would recommend entering a feature request so functionility of this nature can possibly be addressed in a future version.

