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Show negative values by using SegmentMode.SevenSegement

Hi, I want to use a wingauge to show double values with 5 digits and values between -100 and 100. Here is my problem: If I use the fourteen segment mode the decimal point  is not shown as good as I need. The space between digit and decimal point is to close and it seems that it is not possible tho change it. If I use the seven segement mode than it is not possible to show values less than zero because the minus is not shown. Is it possible to show a minus by using the seven segemented mode or to increase the space between the digits (both digits) and the decimal point?

  • 28496
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    ok, i logged and fixed the issue with sevensegment not showing a minus sign.  the bug number is 19551.  it will be resolved in a future hotfix; feel free to contact Infragistics Developer Support to inquire about the status of this bug.

    as for the space between the digits and the decimal point, increasing the DigitSpacing might help, but that just makes the decimal more prominent and won't really add space.