I have created a CustomSummary class which implements ICustomSummaryCalculator. I am using this CustomSummary class to calculate and display the summary as required for a perticular Column in a WinGrid.
Now I want to add this CustiomSummary to Summary Selection Dilog box(which has sum, min, max, count etc with checkboxes).
Can any one help me to solve the above mentioned issue.
Thanks in advance
Hi Mike
Thats little bit disappointing to know. Will try to do what you suggested.
Thanks for the reply
Hi Navi,
There is no way to add items to the Summary dropdown list. But you could handle the BeforeSummaryDialog event, set e.Cancel to true to prevent the grid from displaying the default dialog, and show your own dialog, instead.
Can anyone look at the above post and suggest me a solution.
Its urgent for me.