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Autohide UltraPanel form size increases

Kinda a weird problem. I have a simple form with a docked ultrapanel. If I click on autohide pin my ultrapanel animates to the left as it should but also grows vertically which it shouldn't. What am I dong wrong?

  • 20872
    Offline posted


    I followed your scenario and it works correct.

    Please try the following steps:

    1.Create a DockableControlPane with UltraPanel

    DockableControlPane paneUltra = new DockableControlPane("Panel", "UltraPanel", this.ultraPanel1);

    2.Create a DockAreaPane

    DockAreaPane dockAreaLeft = new DockAreaPane(DockedLocation.DockedLeft);

    3.Add your DockableControlPane to your DockAreaPane.


    4.Add your DockArea to the UltraDockManager

    ultraDockManager1.DockAreas.AddRange(new DockAreaPane[ ] { dockAreaLeft });


    Danko Valkov

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics, Inc.