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Scroll page sometimes fires twice

In full screen mode with a grid filled with 1000+ two column items, if I hit the next page section (empty area below scroll handle) to advance a page at a time, it sometimes fires twice. It seems more likely to do this when rows with a different appearance scroll into view.

I thought I'd log this in case someone else is searching for this, but I have reasonable workaround.

Addded two events as follows:

/// <summary>      

        /// In full screen mode, the scroll bar on the grid sometimes fires twice. This attempts

        /// to prevent the double scroll by cancelling the 2nd scroll if the events fire

        /// too quickly. It seems to work well but limits how fast you can scroll the

        /// grid.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="sender"></param>

        /// <param name="e"></param>

        private void ugrdResourceKeys_BeforeRowRegionScroll(object sender, BeforeRowRegionScrollEventArgs e)


            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            TimeSpan span = now.Subtract(_previousScrollTime);

            if (span.Ticks < 5000000)

                e.Cancel = true;


        private void ugrdResourceKeys_AfterRowRegionScroll(object sender, RowScrollRegionEventArgs e)


            _previousScrollTime = DateTime.Now;



  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    I'm not aware of any scrollbar issues like the one you describe here. I just tested this out with a grid that takes up the entire screen (or as much as possible on a form) and the scrollbar seems to work fine for me.

    I suspect that you are either using an old version of the grid, or else something in your application is causing some interference in the mouse messages or the scrolling.