I want to create tree like structure in ultraListView as shown in the figure? Please suggest or through which control this can be achieved.
We do supply full samples with the product. You can take a look at the Windows Forms Feature Browser. In there under the Navigation section you will see several tree examples, many with multiple columns. Based on your description thus far, you may want to take a look at the outlookexpress view style. I attached a screenshot of the samples.
Thanks Sung Kim for your reply. Do you have any working example similar to this, where tree and its olumn view is used?
I assume that each of those "types" are independant. If so, you will probably have to use multiple trees. One for each type.
If they are linked, as in expanding one expands another, you can probably use the tree and its column view.
Thanks Sung Kim for your reply. But I didn't find any thing to create this structure as shown in the figure.
Do you have any working example for this then please provide me.
You probably want to use our tree. It has various settings you can use for its ViewStyle property.