I am currently upgrade Infragistic 8.2 to Infragistic hotfix However, I met some performance issue when I am using Header.VisiblePosition function.
When I looked in to Infragistic.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnHeader.SetVisiblePosition, I found there is a new method in it called RecalculateMetrics which took a lot of time.
Is there a way that I can not using this method when SetVisiblePosition? I found this method will only be executed when hasSuspendedMetricsCalculation flag is false (This flag can be set in ColumnCollection.SuspendMetricsRecalculation). However, since it is a internal method, I can not access.
Could you advise on this? I found the same performance issue with Infragisitc 9.1 as well when setVisiblePosition.
Sorry, I think the versions I am using are wraped by our Infragistic support team.
The Problem with ToolBarManager is :There are 2 methods in ToolBarManager, HookFormEvents and UnHookFormEvents. They will be called accordingly. However, in UnHookFormEvents , it does not unsubscribe all the events which subsribe in HookFormEvents which coursed a memory leak.
In HotFix 8.2.2008.2121, it fix this bug but bring another bug with VisiblePosition(Taking a long time to executeReCalculateMatrics). Is it possible that we do not use ReCalculateMarics when Setting the VisiblePosition in HotFix?
Or Is it possible to unsubsribe all the events in 8.2?
I'm not sure that you understand you correctly about which version you're using, as I don't know what "" is; the build numbers generally look something like '8.2.20082.2121'. As for the toolbars issue, I'm not sure which fix you are referring to with the HookFormEvents, but if you have a bug number I can certainly check. The service releases are all cumulative, so if it was fixed in an earlier version, it should be included in a later version; if it isn't, this is a regression issue and should be reported to Developer Support. Since the latest service release for 8.2 is build 2168, I assume that you mean that this issue with the ToolbarsManager has been broken?
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your quick reply.
I changed my Infragistic version to, it includes the fix for the performance issue of SetVisiblePosition. However, this version does not include a fix in hotfix 8.2.2121 about ToolBarManager hookFormEvents and UnHookFormEvents.
Is there a version of 8.2 that include all the fix in HotFix 8.2.2121 and fix this SetVisiblePosition performance issue?
You mention that you have installed a hotfix; is this the latest service release as outlined here? I just looked up this issue and it is marked as having been released in the latest service release (bug# 17620), so you should see if this resolves your problem.