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Numeric Editor Question...

I have an io field where I want to accept a number from 0 - 99,999.   So I use the Ultra Numeric Editor and set the Min Value to 0, the Max Value to 99999.  What's irritating me is when the field is displayed on the screen it has a Zero in it (which is correct) and when I tab into the field, the cursor is set in front of the 0. Consequently, if I enter a 1, the number becomes 10...  I don't want that, I want it to change the value from 0 to 1.  What can I set to have the Value automatically selected when I enter the field so that whatever I type OVERWRITES the value that was in there?  

Why does the UltraMaskedEdit select the value when you tab into the field but the UltraNumericEditor doesn't?  I would use the UltraMaskedEdit control as my Numeric IO field if I could set it to right justify the value and enter the value from the right side like a Numeric editor would, but unfortunately, I can't seem to make it do that...  More irritation...

My second complaint on the Numeric Editor is that if I delete the 0 then try to exit the field, I get a beep and the cursor won't leave the field until I put in a 0 or some other value.  (I realize I DO have the Nullable property set to False, which is what I want)   How can I set a Default (like 0) value for the field?    

Finally, I STILL don't get emailed replies to my posts, even tho I ask it to.


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