I have a bounded Ultracombo having following items in the list.
ID Code--------------------1 A 2 B3 Ccombo is binded with a table having two columns, ID and Code. DisplayMember is Code and ValueMember is ID. Whenever we type any data that is not in the list then ValueChanged event is firing twp times. Lets say I typed D in combo then
First time UltraCombo.Value comes as null and second time it comes as the data I typed ( "D" ). This is happening in 9.1 version dlls.In 8.1 version dlls it was working fine ( ValueChanged event was firing only once ). We were using 8.1 dlls and out application was designed to check value null for invalid data. After upgading the dlls all these problems get started.. Its crashing our application..
Are you guys going to fix this bug?
I'm not 100% sure, but this seems like a bug that we fixed.
If you can post a small sample project which demonstrates the issue (you can attach a zip file to your post under the Options tab), I would be happy to take a look at it and see if I can find a workaround. At the very least, I should be able to confirm whether the problem is fixed in the latest service release for you.
Hi Mike,
We are using Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinGrid.v8.2 (UltraCombo)
I doubt we have apply any service release due to our company deployment policy.
Hence, I wonder is there any workaround I can do to handle this?
Thank you very much.
What version of the controls are you using? Do you have the latest service release?
How to get the latest service release - Infragistics Community
We are facing the same problem as well. May I know is there any workaround or fixes for this?
Please find my case which I am facing. I have 3 records having same Value but different Text. When I set the AutoCompleteMode to Suggest or SuggestAppend, all related event is being fired two times.
This happened when I entered the character manually in which UltraCombo control will show the filtered list based on the character(s) I entered. And when I use the mouse to click on the row I want, somehow the first Event fired will get the correct row, but the subsequence Event fired after that will have the first row selected.
My records is as below,
No ID Country
1 Chinese Hong Kong
2 Chinese China
3 Chinese Macau
4 Malay Indonesia
I configured my UltraCombo to take ID as the Value and Country as the Text. As I enter Chinese in the UltraCombo, the filtered list will only show first 3 records. When I click the 3rd record using the mouse, I realised that the first Event fired will take the correct Row which is Chinese (Macau). However, when the second Event fired, it will somehow take the first Row which is the Chinese (Hong Kong)
Please help and wonder is there any workaround for that? As my user want the AutoCompleteMode to be set as "Suggest".
Many thanks and hope to hear from you soonest.
was I'm wrong with that?