I have three separate UltraToolbarsManager Ribbons on three separate controls: A UserControl, a MDI Child form (MDIChild), and a MDI Parent form (MDIParent).
In MDIParent, I am programmatically instantiating MDIChild and manually merging MDIParent and MDIChild's UltraToolbarsManagers (by setting MdiMergeable=False on both toolbars and setting MdiParent.ActiveMdiChildManager=MDIChild.UltraToolbarsManager). Works perfectly.
In MDIChild, I am in turn instantiating UserControl and manually merging MDIChild and UserControl's UltraToolbarsManagers (by setting MdiMergeable=False on both toolbars and setting MDIChild.ActiveMdiChildManager=UserControl.UltraToolbarsManager).
The resulting composite Ribbon in MDIParent contains correctly merged Tabs and correctly RibbonGroups from all three Ribbons, but the Tools in the UserControl UltraToolbarsManager will not merge. During execution of statement MDIChild.ActiveMdiChildManager=UserControl.UltraToolbarsManager, I get the error "Key not found Parameter name: key". (In the flow of things, this statement happens after MDIParent.ActiveMdiChildManager=MDIChild.UltraToolbarsManager.)
I understand from research that it is not currently possible to merge two toolbars into one, i.e. ActiveMdiChildManager can be set to only one toolbar at a time. I am attempting to merge two toolbars and then merge that toolbar with a third, which seems like to me it should work since I'm setting ActiveMdiChildManager for MDIParent and MDIChild to different Toolbars - particularly since Tabs and RibbonGroups are merged correctly across all three toolbars. Am I missing something that would enable the Tools to be correctly merged, or am I trying to accomplish the impossible? I would be very grateful for any insight.
Version 8.1.20081.1000
Hello AOps,
I am not sure how is your scenario going exactly, so I created a basic sample which I hope you could modify to mimic the behavior from your project, or either attach your own small sample with the scenario.I am not able to say right now if your requirements could be easily achieved.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any additional assistance.
i have a user control with a tool bar, that user control is consumed on some form which in turn has 2nd toolbar
I am merging thw two toolbars dynamically, and i could see the tools merged.
Howevr i want to align 1st toolbar tools on RHS and 2nd on LHS, i know the aligning is not possible.
Is there any way, i can set the width of some label tool which is transparant and which can fill the space between two toolbars.
i want the two toolbars on single row so Spring property does not work.
is there any trick ? How to identify width of two toolbars ?
Where can i get the merged toolbar? can i set the merged toolbar as FillEntireRow and then Spring property?
Also, how to copy tools in one toolbar to another toolbar?
Multiple merging is not supported. This includes trying to merge multiple children into a single parent or trying to merge a child with a parent and then that parent with a grandparent. This would have to be implemented as a new feature. I have forwarded this post to the Developer Support Manager to create a feature request on your behalf.