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UltraGridExcelExporter And MS Excel Viewer

I am using the free MS Excel Viewer to view reports created using the Infragistics UltraGridExcelExporter. The grid i am exporting has child bands and although the expansion (+) sign appears in the Excel Viewer on the left of each row when the grid is exported, when i click it nothing happens and  the child band does not appear.

I am assuming that this is a limitation of the Excel viewer but would appreciate it if anyone knows how to make the child bands appear after the export.


Thanks John

  • 12333

    Hi John,

    I am not sure if that particular functionality is supported in the Microsoft Excel Viewer application. One thing. That functionality is created by providing an OutlineLevel to each Excel Row as they are being generated internally.

    Here are some things you can try:

    1. Get the latest version of the MS Excel Viewer

    2. When creating the Excel file, save it as the XLSX file format (this is the newer Office 2007 format)


    Another approach that you can try to take would be to manually create the Excel file yourself by walking the grid (or by walking your data source) and manually populating the Excel file through code. This approach will take more code and a little more effort when compared to just using the "Export" method, but it can be highly customizable. Using this approach, you can even do something like export each entity to its own respective WorkSheet tab.