I have an explorer bar control to which I assign an icon as follow. The style of the explorerbar is set ControlContainer.
Infragistics.Win.Appearance appearance1 = new Infragistics.Win.Appearance();
ebAssociatedTaskItems.Groups["Notes"].Settings.AppearancesSmall.HeaderAppearance = appearance1;
The icon is 16x16.
As can been seen in the attached file, the group header increases in size. In addition, the icon is not displayed. Is there any other property I should be setting?
The size at which the header images are displayed is determined by the UltraExplorerBar.ImageSizeLarge or UltraExplorerBar.ImageSizeSmall properties, depending on the value returned from the UltraExplorerBar.UseLargeGroupHeaderImagesResolved property. You can set the UltraExplorerBar.UseLargeGroupHeaderImages property explicitly to tell the control which image size to use for the group headers, and you can set the ImageSizeSmall/ImageSizeLarge properties to display the images at a particular size.
Nice - didt know about this one!