Is there any solution to get the last row index used in a Excel worksheet. This is to append some rows in an existing worksheet.
Many thanks
Best regards
Hi Mike,
There is a worksheet.rows.count property but it is private. It is possible to get the count value using reflection like that :
WorksheetRowCollection wk = (WorksheetRowCollection)worksheet.Rows; PropertyInfo propInfox = wk.GetType().BaseType.GetProperty("Count", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);int rowIndex = (int)propInfox.GetValue(wk, null);
I hoped that there was a better solution to get this value like a count public property.
Have you tried worksheet.Rows.Count?
I may be wrong and there might not be a Count property on the Rows collection.
If that's the case, then I think you would have to loop through the Rows collection and count them.I'm pretty sure this will work.
int rowCount = 0;
foreach (WorksheetRow row in worksheet.Rows) { rowCount++; }
In fact i want to load an existing workseet using Workbook.Load and find the last row used on it.
if (File.Exists(xlsFile)) workBook = Workbook.Load(xlsFile);else workBook = new Workbook();
if (workBook.Worksheets.Exists(worksheetName))worksheet = workBook.Worksheets[worksheetName];
Now i just want to append some rows at the end of the worksheet
i don't know how to find the last row index used in the worksheet.
Hi Florent,
Just handle the EndExport event on the UltraGridExcelExport. The event args will give you the e.CurrentRowIndex.