I have a form which sets some configurations where one of them is a path to a file.
To prevent the need for the user to click browse and search for the file in his computer using the OpenFileDialog, I've added a dockable panel on the left side, and inside it I've added an ultraExplorerBar with the list of the recent opened files.
The pane is unpinned by defauled and the user cannot pin, close or make it float.
When the use hover the pane, it opens...
What I want to do is that when the user clicks on one of the items, the pane will be deactivated.
Unfortunately, I didn't find any way to do so.... HideAll doesn't work, Pane.Close will close the pane (which is something I don't wanna do).
As long as the mouse is over the pane, it stays activated.
Is there any way I can do what I want?
(Maybe using a different control by infragistics?).
Thanks kim, youa re the best :-)
That was exactly what I was looking for... I never would have guessed that the function is called FlyIn.
Thanks again. ;-)
So I am assuming you want the pane to fly in; if that is correct, try calling:
The FlyIn() method will hide the currently flyout DockableControlPane but will not close it like the DockableControlPane's Close() method does.
If this isn't what you're looking for, please let me know.
Hi, I have something like this:
I want that when I click on the button on the explorer bar, it will change the label on the form.
This was easy to do... however, the docked panel hides some area of the label so sometimes the user will not be aware that the clicked did something. Furthermore, after the button was clicked, the best thing is to notify the user that something happen and that the activated docked panel is no longer needed (unless he reopens it).
Think of it as a Popup window, when you click on a button on a popup window, it closes... but in this case I don't wanna use a popup window because Context menu strip or a menu bar will not be that intuitive.
Thanks for your help.
Is there a reason you want the pane to be deactivated rather than the UltraExplorerBar itself? You can try handling the UltraExplorerBar's ItemClick event and setting UltraExplorerBar.Enabled to false, which will disable the control. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but it might be useful.