Hello Everyone
Not sure if this is related to the GridBagLayoutPanel which I am using, but I would assume its a problem with the OptionSet.
I have four GroupBoxes which are in the GridBridbagLayoutPanel and withing the GroupBoxes I have an OptionSet with its Dock-Property set to FILL. The Options have sometimes a long text and this text is not wrapped at all.
I know about the properties (MAx)ColumnSize and Spacing but then I would "hardcode" the size of the columns which disables (kinda) the automatica sizing of the GridBagLayout.
Its a little bit urgent :-/ since we didnt expected this kind of problem and the bug just came up.
Thanks, the Resize-Event did the trick, even though I dont find this handy.
I'm not sure I understand your question, then. If MaxColummWidth makes the text wrap, then why don't you simply set MaxColumnWidth? I guess what you would to in this case is set it based on the width of the control. So you would probably use the Resize event of the OptionSet.
but it wraps the text when specifying the property MaxColumnWidth?? So there is some way to do it.
So the issue is that the OptionSet doesn't wrap the item text?
Unfortunately, I don't think there is any support for this built-in to the control.
Thats the problem :)
As you can see, the OptionSet is not wrapping the text(s) to a new line when it extends the controls width (what I would expect).
So every OptionSet "fills" (docks) completely in a GroupBox which is managed by a gridBagLayoutPanel