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Customising Column Chooser grid appearance.


I am using ultragrid. I have made the appearance of the ultragrid to show different back colors in alternate row. The same view i require in Column chooser for this grid.Hence in the event

_BeforeColumnChooserDisplayed(object sender, BeforeColumnChooserDisplayedEventArgs e)


ColumnChooserDialog ccDialog = e.Dialog;

UltraGridColumnChooser cc = ccDialog.ColumnChooserControl;

cc.DisplayLayout.Override.RowAppearance.BackColor = Color.Black;

cc.DisplayLayout.Override.RowAlternateAppearance.BackColor = Color.Grey;


But the issue is it only modifies the row appearnce of first column(Having checkboxes) of column chooser.The row appearnce of second Column having the Header names didnt chnaged. Please suggest how to make changes in second column.

