We're using the Grid with CardView=true;
UltraGridBand band = ultraGridResults.DisplayLayout.Bands[0]; band.UseRowLayout = true; band.CardView = true; band.CardSettings.Style = CardStyle.Compressed; // band.CardSettings.CardScrollbars = CardScrollbars.None;//???
if GridRows do not fit into grid verically(sum of Row's heights > Grid.Height), grid automatically expands and scrolls Horizontally. Can grid be forced to expand vertically to prevent appearance of multiple columns on screen?
Thank You,
By the way, I figured out the hidden row problem. I needed to set SpanX=2 and SpanY=1, but the scrolling is still an issue.
This is great advice. I tried something similar because I wanted to get a side view where the labels were on the left and the value on the right, but still keep the ability to have child bands. This works but when I have a table with 1 row with 20 columns, the verticle scrollbar never enables. The first row is too big to be on one screen. I tried setting the scrollbars to Auto, and Both. I also noticed that some of the columns get squished together in one row so row two ends up behind row 1. Any ideas? My psuedo code is below.
m_ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].UseRowLayout = true;
m_ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].RowLayoutLabelPosition =
m_ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Layout.Override.RowSelectorWidth = 20;
m_ultraGrid.DataSource = m_ultraGridSourceSet;
int i = 0;
foreach (UltraGridColumn uc in m_ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns)
uc.RowLayoutColumnInfo.OriginX = 0;
uc.RowLayoutColumnInfo.OriginY = i;
uc.RowLayoutColumnInfo.LabelPosition =
Hi Mike,
No, there's currently no way to do this with CardView. If you want vertical scrolling instead of Horizontal, maybe you would be better off just using RowLayouts without CardView.
This would mean losing the ability to Compress a row, but it might work out better for you.