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<Newbie Question> In some cases I can't load a Windows Form and get XML instead


I'm working with C3 using VS 2005 (Professional edition) with NetAdvantage for .NET 2008 Vol. 2 CLR 2.0.

In some cases (30%), when i double click on one of my classes (a Windows Form) in the Solution Explorer, instead of my usual GUI page, I get an XML line

<html><head><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title></title><style>.ErrorStyle { font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11 pt; text-align ......................

Furthermore, in the error list, I get a new error:


Warning 3             The file 'D:\Dev\Carmel\Trajectory\Trajectory.UI\LightSourceTab.cs' does not support code parsing or generation because it is not contained within a project that supports code.

I believe this is related to Infragistrics, but I'm not 100% sure.
Any ideas?


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