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Child form not getting activated on the first click from the wingrid.

I am using the wingrid in my form. In that grid we have a drop down column.If i change the drop down column, the child form will open.In that form i have to choose the data from the list box and click finish button to save the selected data.

i am able to open the form. But i am unable to select the data on the first click( The form is not getting activated on the first click).

I have tried this code in the  following event

 - ugrdWorkCard_AfterCellListCloseUp

 - ugrdWorkCard_CellChange

Both are not working.


if (e.Cell.DataChanged)
                         if (cellValue == employee.mark)
  _fEPReason.TopMost = true;

This above code is not working on the first click.

In the above i called all the default methods like activate, select, focus , bringtofront.. Nothing is working

Please provide the code to resolve this issue.

Help me to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

Parents Reply Children
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