Hi all,
Am new to the infragistics control. Well am having a case where when the grid should appear flat and also have a custom grid column header color.
I've searched the internet and i've made the grid to have a flat appearence.
Now my problem is i need to remove the yellow line that appears on the focus or click of the grid header.
Is there any possible way to remove it.
Please advice. Thank you so much for your help.
I'm not sure what you mean. What is LibertyUltraComboEditor? Is that some control that you created? Does it derive from UltraComboEditor?
I can't see any reason why applying an editor to a column could possibly have any effect on the grid's header style.
Hello Mike,
Still one more doubt. Please help me out. I have a column in the grid that displays a combo box and i use
LibertyUltraComboEditor as the editor for each cell. The thing is when the focus is over the combo box the header style is again reset.
Is there a solution for this issue. Please help.
private void ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e) { e.Layout.Override.HeaderStyle = HeaderStyle.Standard; }
You might want to experiment with the options to see which one you like best.
So where will the property HeaderDisplay style will be presend and how to override it?
can you explain please
Okay, I was confused by your use of the word focus. The header here does not appear to be focused, it appears to be hot-tracked.
I think what you are looking for is the HeaderDisplayStyle property on the Override.