Is there any way to display tool tip in the row header? For example, we can display tool tip in the column header using, band.Columns["Column_Name"].Header.Appearance.ForegroundAlpha = Alpha.Transparent; In this case, the column header text will be empty, but when mouse is moved over the column header then the column name is displayed as tool tip. Is it possible to do the same in the row header? Please let me know.
Hi Kannan,
By "row header", I assume you mean the RowSelectors. There's no property for tooltips on these, but you could implement this yourself. The only slightly tricky part is determining what part of the grid the mouse is over. You would do this using the ElementFromPoint method. Here are some KB articles that demonstrate the uses of this method:
Knowledge Base Results - ElementFromPoint
Also, I recommend getting the UIElementViewer utility. It helps a lot when working with UIElements.
Introducing the Infragistics UIElementViewer Utility