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cell autosize

Hi all i'm using a ultratreeview with viewstyle  = freeform , i need to show large text in a column cell, i want the cell is fixed witdh and autosize height, this is my code but the cell don't size automatically:

   UltraTreeColumnSet columnSet = new UltraTreeColumnSet();

    UltraTreeNodeColumn info = columnSet.Columns.Add("info");
    info.Text = "Descrizione";
    info.CellWrapText = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True;
    info.AutoSizeMode = ColumnAutoSizeMode.VisibleNodes;
    info.LayoutInfo.PreferredLabelSize = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 20);
    info.LayoutInfo.PreferredCellSize= new System.Drawing.Size(80, 50);

           ...... Laod Tree.....





Parents Reply
  • 595
    posted in reply to Mike Saltzman

    Mike, you are correct, that code did not quite make sense so I modified it to something like this:

    That did the trick with auto-sizing so that cell text shows completely. Is there any way to make sure the columns band occupies the entire visible area of the control though (width) - there's still some space between the right edge of the hosting control and the right-most column.

    Also, code above auto-sizes child band columns. What is a good place to make sure top band columns are auto-sized once the grid appears? I tried forcing Columnset.Columns to PerformAutoResize within tree_ColumnSetGenerated() handler but no sizing is done.

