I have a scatter chart that has several points on the negative side of the Y-Axis. The X-axis shows up (like it always does for other charts) at the bottom of the chart (in this case aligned with the -100 value). Is there a way to make the X-Axis appear aligned with 0 along the Y-Axis? In this case, my Y-axis range goes from 80 to -100, so 0 is just above half-way up the Y axis.
There is a way to display horizontal line on zero coordinate when you have the x axis on a different range; however; that line will not be considerred as an axis, because it simply is a line segment. Her is how you can draw a horizontal line segment on a zero coordinate using FillSceneGraph event (C#).
private void ultraChart1_FillSceneGraph(object sender, Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events.FillSceneGraphEventArgs e) { IAdvanceAxis x = (IAdvanceAxis)e.Grid["X"]; IAdvanceAxis y = (IAdvanceAxis)e.Grid["Y"]; if (x != null) { int target = 0; int yTarget = (int)y.Map(target); int xStart = (int)x.Map(0); int xEnd = (int)x.Map(5); Line line = new Line(new Point(xStart, yTarget), new Point(xEnd, yTarget)); line.PE.Stroke = Color.Red; line.PE.StrokeWidth = 3; e.SceneGraph.Add(line); } }