Hi, I have vs team edition 2005, visual soursafe 2005, entreprise library, and my controls infragistics.
but every time tha I`m trying to load the project my machine have the version 8.2.20082.1000 on the controls infragistics
and the project have version 8.2.20082.2011, and i cant create any control also the reference have a yelow flag
any idea?
Thanks, i din`t know about the hotfix that fixed.
thank you verry much
You need to install the same version of these assemblies (8.2.20082.2011) on your computer as the application is expecting.
Alternately, if you are permitted to do so, set the Specific Version property on all NetAdvantage references to False. Thus, whoever checks out the project will use whatever version of the assemblies they happen to have installed. This should be done with care - different versions may get slightly different results in otherwise-similar circumstances.
Having all developers working on the project using the same version of the toolset is the best solution.