I am trying to create a monthly view using ultramonthviewmulti control. But I am not able to display the months only for the current year. The months appear in a rolling 12 months fashion from the current month. (see image attached)
I have tried the below code to set min and max date, but it doesn't help. I am using the Infragistics 7.3 as of now. Any help is much appriciated.
// Get the current year int currentYear = DateTime.Today.Date.Year;
// Get the number of months in the year for the current culture's calendar int numberOfMonthsInYear = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar.GetMonthsInYear( currentYear );
// Get the number of days in the last month of the year Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.Month month = this.ultraCalendarInfo1.GetMonth( numberOfMonthsInYear, currentYear ); int numberOfDaysInMonth = month.DaysInMonth; // Set the MinDate property to the first day of the current year this.ultraCalendarInfo1.MinDate = new DateTime( currentYear, 1, 1 );
// Set the MaxDate property to the last day of the current year this.ultraCalendarInfo1.MaxDate = new DateTime( currentYear, numberOfMonthsInYear, numberOfDaysInMonth );
I got it working. The below code did the trick. Found it on another forum question.
this.ultraMonthViewMulti1.FirstMonth = this.ultraMonthViewMulti1.CalendarInfo.GetMonth(1, DateTime.Today.Year);
Thanks anyways.