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Infragistics3 in ExcelExport assembly name?


I installed a hotfix 2059, and was surprised to find that one of the assemblies now has Infragistics3 in its name (Infragistics3.Win.UltraWinGrid.ExcelExport.v8.3).

That would be just a curiosity, but it seems that Workbook from Infragistics2.Excel.v8.3 is not compatible with this assembly.

Is this a know problem, or am I misunderstanding the situation?

Should I use some bug tracking system?

Thanks in advance,

Andris Birkmanis

  • 37774
    Verified Answer


    This assembly should have been installed prior to the hotfix, since it was introduced with the 8.3 release.  In a nutshell, the 'Infragistic3' assemblies provide support for the Office2007 Excel format, since they leverage some of the functionality provided in the .NET 3.0 framework in order to support the compression used.  You should not have any trouble in the workbooks used with the two formats (though if you use the 'Infragistics3' version of the ExcelExport, you should also use Infragistics3.Excel).  What is the exact problem that you're having?


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