Maybe it's just me.. But for the life of me, I cannot find how to add a LeftImage to a child node.
I'm adding a child node thru aNode.Nodes.Add(), but can seem to find where to assign an image.
U can achive this in following ways..
1) Instead of using the aNode.Nodes.Add(key, display value); Create the node first, Add the Left Images to the newly created node and the Add the newly Created Node to the parentNode.
UltraTreeNode ChildNode = new UltraTreeNode(Key, "Text");
aNode.Nodes.Add(ChildNode );
2. You can retrive the ChildNode by key from the Ultratree, then assign the imgaes to the referance object.
Hope this will resolve ur issue.
Thanks for info, I know what your describing, but that doesn't work.
Using a DataSet with a DataRelation for your data.
Create an UltraTreeNode (UltraTreeNode aNode)
While in a foreach()
Add the parent node with : aNode= tree.Nodes.Add(....);
While in a secondary foreach(datarow with getchildrows)
add the child nodes using aNode.Nodes.Add(key, display value);
I don't see anything like; aNode.Nodes.LeftImages.Add(image); that will add a leftimage to the child node.
I CAN access aNode.LeftImages.Add(image), but this sets the Node Image on the PARENT, not the child...
I am not very sure weather i have got ur question correctly but it may help u ...
Fordisplaying the Image in Cells of the node u can add the image
Cell.Appearance.Image = Image.