I set the column's cellmultiline property = true and set the column's VertScrollBar = true. I expected to see a vertical scroll bar inside the multiline cell, but there is no scrollbar that shows.
Should I have seen a scrollbar? And if so, any thoughts on why this is not displaying? UseRowLayout is set to true on the parent band, but I am trying to get the scroll bar in the child band and the child's UseRowLayout is set to false.
Hi DK,
The scrollbar only shows up when the cell is in edit mode. So if you click on a cell, you should see it - unless the cells are not editable.
So is there any other way to have a scroll bar in a non-editable cell as opposed to being forced to use a tooltip to see the rest of the read-only cell's contents?
Well, yuo can have a cell that allows entering edit mode and it still not editable. Try setting the CellActivation on the column to ActivateOnly rather than NoEdit or Disabled.