I have a line chart built from a dataset with 4 columns (sample id, actual, upper tolerance and lower tolerance). The sampleID column represents the column of the chart and I have 3 lines on the chart representing the other columns in the dataset.
I need to colour the lines specifically so that tolerances are in red. I'm sure I can do this based on the column position using 'override' but this doesn't seem to work. How can I set colours?
In addition to this I want to set my axis extents to include a margin i.e. currently axis extents are set based on the largest and smallest bound values meaning that the highest value is dead on the top of the chart. I would like have some margin instead so that the highest value is not rendered at the very top extent of the chart. I've hacked it by looping through the dataset before binding and setting a manual AxisRangeType but I wondered if there is a better way?
Thank you, your'e a star!
when you add the Overrides, make sure to set their row to -2 and their column to the appropriate column index. -2 means "match everything."
as for your other question, try using the axis margins (see the properties under Axis.X.Margins or Axis.Y.Margins).
Any ideas?