I have a binding List which i have bound to the grid.when I make changes in the list, the data does getdisplayed on the grid but many properties like color and font are not getting properly initialized.I tried using the code below, but it is of no help.My last option is to make the datasource nulland reassign it to the grid. But this makes the applicationvery slow. Please help
Hi Mike,I created an appearance object and then assigned it to the cells I wanted.I am doing this every time the initialize row event gets fired because I have some columns that are hidden and I display them when I want.When, I do this I also change the color and font of the hidden cells' columns.Now the problem was that this was not happening when I simply used the .BackColor and .ForeColor properties. But it worked when I used the appearance object.Thank You,Sid.
If the data shows up in the grid, then the grid must be getting a notification that the data in the row has changed and should therefore be firing the InitializeRow event for that row.
If that's not happening, then something is wrong. Are you using the latest Hot Fix? Perhaps this is a bug that is already fixed.
If that does not help, I recommend that you create a small sample project that demonstrates the problem and Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support so they can check it out.