as DataSource of my Chart I have a DataTable with 100 Columns and 5 defined Rows(double values) in this Table. My "ChartStyle" is set to Line-Chart.
When i set the datasource 5 Lines appear. Now i want to hide a specific Line of this chart.
something like : this.ultraChart. ...... .Row[1].Visible = false;
I think this is a very intuitiv feature. But it seemed not implemented in ultrachart. I already asked the support chat, but the told me to delete the row, that i dont want ro show, from my datatable. ?!?!?!
Is that the only way i can go ???? I hope not :)
Best regards
Sorry, but the chart is not designed to do row filtering. Columns can be excluded with chart.Data.IncludeColumn(columnName, false), but for rows we recommend filtering with a dataview. If you would like to see this implemented in the future, please submit a feature request to our developer support group using http://es.infragistics.com/gethelp