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Hiding rows in unbound columns. Alternative to rowlayout?

Hi I have a grid with this layout :


Group1           |   Group2

Unbound1       | Unbound 2

Col1               |  Col 2


I used Levels and not Rowlayout to do it (Rowlayout makes me loose important features).

The two unbound columns has no caption and should not have any rows shown in displaylayout.

Only Col1 and Col2 are valid datarows(rotated headers).

 Why I do it ? I've managed to rotate my headers 270 (in a creationfilter) degrees to reduce wideness of cells. But as you know by now I only have a colheaderlines = 10 length available for caption.

 So why not get 20 ? One group, one unbound column(no caption), and one column with caption (textUIelement) that has rect.height *2.

It works great ! But now I have to hide the empty rows created in layout by my unbound columns.

What is the easiest way hide them ? ? ? 

Anyone got ideas ? 






  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Hi Geir,

        Unfortunately, there's no way to hide the cells without hiding the column headers, too - except in RowLayout mode, which you can't use.

        Of course, when I say there is no way to do it, I mean there's no easy, built-in way. It can be done using a CreationFilter.

        What I would do is use the InitializeRow event of the grid and set the Hidden property to true on all of the unbound column cells. This will hide the cells of those columns, but it will leave a gap, so it's not a solution all by itself. 

        Then what you would need to do is use a CreationFilter to enlarge the CellUIElements to fill in the gap. 

        If you are not familiar with CreationFilters, I recommend checking out the Infragistics KnowledgeBase for articles on samples.  Knowledge Base

        Also, get the UIElementViewer utility, it will help a lot: Introducing the Infragistics UIElementViewer Utility