I have "AllowNull" set to True On UltraCalendarCombo but once I set the value to Null and I try to move the focus to somewhere else on the form, its automatically putting the focus back on the UltraCalendarCombo and forcing me to pick a date.
I don't have this problem if I am selecting a null value from a UltraCalendarCombo that is embeded on to a UltraGrid
I submitted this issue to the Infragistics support desk. I received an answer the very next day...excellent respone time...I wanted to post the "solution" I found in case anyone else was reading this chain of issues. Bottom line, it is a known bug and is scheduled to be fixed in the next release.
Here is the response...
After searching our database, I have found the similar development issue # 6088 : BR33932 with description:
[ UltraCalendarCombo - when allownull is set to true and value and text properties are set to null, null is not being assigned ]
This development issue is "Awaiting Test" state.
I'm not sure whether this is a bug or not; if something about the data binding is causing a failed validation to retain focus this may well be correct behavior. The best thing to do is to report this as a bug and provide a test project that demonstrates the behavior that you take issue with, so that it can be analyzed in the proper context.
I am having this same issue with one twist, I am using the UltraCalendarCombo on a screen and not inside a grid. Turning off the CausesValidation does work; however, this is more of a work around instead of a solution. Any updates to this issue??? PLEASE????
As you said it only occurs when bound to a datasource... is this problem occuring because the datasource.datacolumn is set to NOT NULL (Does not allow null values)
This assumes you are using data(set/table/view) as your binding source.