I have a grid that is grouped by values of a single column. How do I show a border only between the grouped rows? Also, the grouping column needs to be hidden. I have tried several variations of the following (in the InitalizeLayout event handler):1. Add the column to the SortedColumns collection.2. Set GroupByColumnsHidden to false.3. Set the GroupByColumnAppearance to an appearance object that has the BorderColor set.What am I missing?
I'm having trouble understanding what you want.
Where exactly do you want a border? Are you talking about a border between collapsed GroupByRows? What would happen to this border when the GroupByRow is expanded?
Also, what exactly are you trying to hide? The column you group by is hidden by default. So you don't have to do anything to hide the actual column. So you mean you want to hide the button in the GroupByBox? I don't think that's possible, but you can hide the whole GroupByBox itself using grid.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.Hidden.
I have doctored some screen shots to help. The rows are gouped by the first column and the first column should be hidden. The border should be between the groupings.
Sorry it took me so long to respond. I can't seem to view the screen shot you attached here. Something is wrong with the attachment. Might be a problem with the new forum upgrade we just did.
Can you try uploading the screen shot again?