I have a wintree setup to display a set of columns. However, it appears the LabelPosition property sets the value for the entire set, such that every row has a header, or no rows have a header.
I read Mike Saltzman's post of 7/24/08 on the subject, but I'm afraid it wasn't at all clear exactly how to accomplish this. Can someone elaborate on this?
I did not refer to that post but it is possible that you assigned the Override.ColumnSet property of each individual node, whereas for your purposes you want to assign it to the Nodes collection instead.
I'm sorry, but the solution you propose is unclear.
Can you be more specific, perhaps with a code sample?
I am indeed assigning the ColumnSet to the Override.ColumnSet property:
(quantityNode.Override.ColumnSet = tvImposition.ColumnSettings.ColumnSets["PaperTypeColumnSet"];)
What is not clear to me is how to set the ColumnSet property for the nodes collection, since "ColumnSetResolved" is the only property in the nodes collection that speaks to this, and it is read-only.
TreeNodesCollection exposes an Override property as does UltraTreeNode; you should assign the column set to the TreeNodesCollection.Override.ColumnSet property instead of UltraTreeNode.Override.ColumnSet