I have a grid where I have set the schema manually and then set the datasource in code at run time.
Two columns appear at the right hand end of the grid - ReadOnly and UsesDynamicFields .
Dim x As Integer = staffUltraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns.Count
staffUltraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns(x - 1).Hidden = True
staffUltraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns(x - 2).Hidden = True
But this seems to me to be a bit clumsy - is there somewhere in the designer these extra columns can be hidden.
BTW, what are they for anyway?
Many thanks for that. It turns out that the datasource I was using did define extra columns that I was not expecting!
Hi Jerry,
Those columns must be coming from your data source. The grid certainly doesn't add any arbitrary columns.You might want to check out this KB article: HOWTO:How can I define columns in the grid at Design-time and bind them at run-time so that some fields of the data are excluded from the grid?