It looks like 1061 is the latest hotfix for 7.3. I'm afraid I really don't know what could be causing the issue, so you should submit a sample demonstrating the issue to Developer Support.
We experience the same problem, however, the behaviour is not consistent, since on some computers it works, and on others it doesn't.
The computer it doesn't work on is a Vista, the other is a XP.
We use v7.3 hotfix 1060.
I will attach a before and after image of the mouse hovering over the button.
We have already cleaned up our licenses.licx file, but this doesn't solve the issue.
Thank you very much for your reply, the problem has been resolved. This is what happened, I first downloaded the trial version of the software and started inmediately using it. I created some controls and implemented some other stuff in my code. Since it worked so nicely I bought the software and continue using the code I had created with the trial version. It didn't at that moment seem to matter. However, it did started to conflict with the permanent license when I created my first winButtons inside the winGroupBox, othewise the buttons worked just fine. I re-created all the controls using the purchased version and everything started to work just fine.
Thank you very much for your answer.
I just tried putting an UltraButton instead of an UltraGroupBox, then putting the UltraGroupBox inside the UltraExplorerBar group's ContainerControl area, and the buttons was showing up fine for me. Are you doing anything else that might be affecting this? Do you have the latest hotfix?