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Setup UltraWinGrid for Runtime Data Source


 I am new to Infragistics.  I am attempting to use the gird with a runtime data source.  I followed KB06702 and I have a grid with the data. First I didn't include two of the returned fields of the data source in the schema but they were appended to the grid.  I am not sure if this is a expected behavior.

I wanted to format the columns in the grid designer.  I setup a mask for a phone number and selected one column as hidden.  The masked worked fine but the hidden column still shows up?

If this is expected how do I hide a column in code (VB)? 

Does anyone know of a document that outlines what does and doesn't work If some column properties work and other don't when setting a schema against a runtime data source?

Finally,  Does anyone know of a document/code sample that clearly shows how to manually setup a grid with column types and colum properties in VB.  I looked at a few things but I didn't see a complete example.  I am probably just missing it.



  • 37774


    What's likely happening here is that the NewColumnLoadStyle of the grid.DisplayLayout is set to Show, so any columns not explicitly defined in the schema will appear.  If you set this to 'Hide', your issue should be solved.  I'm not sure why your hidden column is still showing up, though; are you certain that the Key of the column is exactly the same in the designer as the one that is bound at run-time?  You also may want to try setting the Key of your first band to the name of your data source, if there is one; you can test this by looking at the band's key at run-time to see what it is, then setting that at design-time.

    As for general samples on manually setting up a grid, have you looked at the samples that ship with the NetAdvantage product releases (I think they were called the SDK in previous releases)?


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