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Strange WinTree binding behavior?

I thought I understood the binding behavior of the tree, and what kind of data the tree expects to bind.  Until now, I've had no issues using the cascading levels of BindingList<>.  For example, I had no issues binding my custom data and generating this structure:








[Sorry for all the blurring.  Company secrets and all that..  ;)  ]

However, today I wanted to add another BindingList child to the parent, as a sibling of Networks.  Basically like this:

 .Networks (BindingList of Network objects)
 .Disks (BindingList of Disk objects)

...and this is what the tree turned into:












So for some reason, the tree generates two copies of the parent node, makes them children of the parent node, then adds my objects below the parent copies.  Very odd.

In case you're confused, I'm really just trying to represent two different child BindingList object under my parent, like this:







..but I can't seem to find the right magic structure in my custom data.

 Any ideas?

Thanks guys!

  • 69832
    Offline posted

    None of the screenshots appearared in this post...I think from what you are describing this has something to do with band nodes, but I can't visualize exactly what you are describing so please either repost with viewable screenshots, or describe in more detail what the structure looks like and what about it is undersirable.