I assume you are using UltraCalcManager formulas here and that's why it's not working.
In that case, you will have to alter the formula string in order to get this to work. The "/" character is a reserved character used for separating elements of a formula reference. So the only way to make this work is to escape it.
So this:
“[Write/Raise PO]”
Would have to be changed to this:
“[Write\/Raise PO]”
The forward slash here is an escape code. In C#, this actually get even more complicated, since the forward slash is also a C# escape code and in order to get a literal forward slash into a string, you have to write it like this:
“[Write\\/Raise PO]”
@“[Write\/Raise PO]”
Personally, I think what I would do is change the Key of the column and remove the "/" character. If this is a bound column, this would, of course, have to be done on the data source, not in the grid.
Then you can set the column.Header.Caption to include the "/" so the user still sees it on the grid, but not in the formulas.
Hello Nathan,
I was not able to reproduce this scenario, so I attached my sample to this post. As to your question: yes, it is possible to use the column index. It is actually not so recommended to do so, especially if the user is able to move the columns, hide them or perform an operation similar to these. Therefore, the column index is a matter of change, so it is best to use the key of the column.
Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.