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How to render MaskEditBox value in UltragridCell?

I added my custom mask edit control in the Ultrawingrid as like the sample code provided for RichTextEditor. But while editing the subsequent cells, the previously entered value get disappeared.

To recreate the issue in RichTextEditor sample code provided by Infragistics, i just comment out the below metioned line in RenderingHelper  method in EmbeddableRichTextBox.cs file,

"SendMessage(handleRefHwnd, EM_DISPLAYBAND, IntPtr .Zero, ref fr.rc);"

From this, it is clear that they are getting the "RichTextBoX" handle (handleRefHwnd) and they display the value in the cell by sending EM_DISPLAYBAND message (This message is to display the value of the richtextbox ). CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG

So, to display the value in the MaskedEditbox in the UltraGridCell what should be the message i need to pass (as like EM_DISPLAYBAND for RichTextBox) or if not possible through SendMessage how can i display the value in the Text in the UltraGridCell?

It will be really helpful if u provide some solution for this.

 Thanks in Advance..