Prior to upgrading to 8.3 ( we were still using 7.2) we had a function that looped through a grid and depending on the results of queries against certain cells would set the background colour of other cells on that row to a specific colour. Since upgrading this function no longer sets the colour. The code has not changed and if we step through the code the appropriate 'gvHeldOrders.Rows(icount).Cells("Order Ref").Appearance.BackColor = Color.Green' is being run but it has no effect on the cell colour.
Has the functionality changed between versions? If so what is the new solution?
Many Thanks
Mike Halford
IT Manager
Viverdi Ltd.
Did you try the 8.3 hotfix? I noticed some visual difference in other controls and backed off until the hotfix came out. When it did those problems were fixed.
I'm not sure that there were any 8.3 specific features introduced with the grid, since I believe that the main focus of this release was related to the new Excel functionality. I think that your best bet at this point is to submit an incident to Developer Support so that they can see what you're doing; as I mentioned, it's possible that this is a bug.
I appreciate that the InitializeRow is best practice but under this instance we do need to loop through each row in the grid.We have just rolled back using our source control to the version of the form that uses Wingrid 7.2 and it works fine.
Are there new properties on the 8.3 grid that need to be set to allow us to change the cell appearance? No code has changed ony the reference to the new version of the grid.
I can't think of anything specific that would have changed across the releases for this, and it could possibly be a bug, but the general best practice in this scenario is to use the InitializeRow event to conditionally format other cells, since this will save you from looping through all the rows (and possibly forcing the cells to be created, if you're using row.Cells[ instead of row.GetCellValue(...)).