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Checkbox issue?

I've got a custom list that I'm binding to the tree, which works fine.  I don't want checkboxes throughout every level of the tree, I just want checkboxes on the nodes at the LAST level (last descendant).

 At the moment, I'm able to handle the InitializeDataNode event, and see the nodes being initialized.  When a node's ListObject happens to be of a specific type (my custom type), I set the Override property of that node, like this:

private void ultraTree1_InitializeDataNode(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.InitializeDataNodeEventArgs e)
            if (e.Node.ListObject is MyObject)
                e.Node.Override = _over; 

The _over object is just a class-level Override, which looks like this:

_over = new Override();

_over.NodeStyle = NodeStyle.CheckBox;


PROBLEM IS....  even though I can see the Override property being set, the checkbox never shows up in my tree.  Any ideas?

Thanks guys!

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