I have a grid in the application I am developing where the band is set to use RowLayout (UseRowLayout is True). I have laided out the grid how I want it using this layout and tried to turn on FixedHeaders (mygrid.DisplayLayout.UseFixedHeader is True). Even though I have FixedHeaders set to true, the icons to lock the column do not appear. After doing a number of tests, I have determined the issue as to why the FixedHeader icons does not appear is because of the RowLayout. As soon as I set RowLayout to false, the icons appear. Is there anyway to use RowLayout and the FixHeaders on the same band?
I'm not aware of any such plans.
If this is functionality you need, I suggest you submit a feature request. Feature requests help us to prioritize what we'll implement in upcoming releases.
Is there any plans to change that in the next release?
At current, row layouts and fixed headers cannot be used at the same time.