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Datasource for a Column / Line Chart

I am trying to setup the Datasource for a Column / Line Chart so I can show monthly quantities as columns, and a trend line.  Here is my data:

Month Quantity 3moAvg
J 03 1208 1208
F 03 1156 1182
M 03 1277 1214
A 03 1253 1229
M 03 1246 1259
J 03 1160 1220
J 03 1227 1211
A 03 1184 1190
S 03 1209 1207
O 03 1232 1208
N 03 1146 1196
D 03 1213 1197

Unfortunately, the Column / Line sample code is incomprehensible to me.  I am able to create a Column chart with the following code. How do I change this code for a Column / Line chart where Quantity is the columns & ThreeMoAvg is the line?  Thanks!

     public struct Hist
           public string Month;
           public float Quantity;
           public float ThreeMoAvg;

      private Hist[ arrHist;

      private void buttonDmdHist_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         // hide the chart
         this.ultraChartResults.Visible = false;

         //attach the history to the chart
         this.ultraChartResults.DataSource = this.GetHistDataTable();

         // setup X labels
         this.ultraChartResults.Axis.X.Labels.Visible = false;
         this.ultraChartResults.Axis.X.Labels.SeriesLabels.Visible = true;
         this.ultraChartResults.Axis.X.Labels.SeriesLabels.Orientation = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.TextOrientation.VerticalLeftFacing;

         // show the chart
         this.ultraChartResults.Visible = true;

      private DataTable GetHistDataTable()
         // Turn the array into a datatable
         DataTable retDT = new DataTable();
         retDT.Columns.Add("Month", typeof(String));
         retDT.Columns.Add("Quantity", typeof(Single));
         for (int index = 0; index < this.arrHist.Length; index++)
            retDT.Rows.Add(new Object[ { this.arrHist[index].Month, this.arrHist[index].Quantity });
         return retDT;


  • 26458
    Offline posted
    ColumnLine chart has 2 datasources - one for the columns and one for the lines. Try doing this:

    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    dt.Columns.Add("col1", typeof(string));
    "col2", typeof(int));
    "col3", typeof(int));
    new object[ { "J 03", 1208, 1208 });
    new object[ { "F 03", 1156, 1182 });
    new object[ { "M 03", 1277, 1214 });
    new object[ { "A 03", 1253, 1229 });
    new object[ { "M 03", 1246, 1259 });
    new object[ { "J 03", 1160, 1220 });
    new object[ { "J 03", 1227, 1211 });

    this.ultraChart1.ColumnLineChart.ColumnData.DataSource = dt;
    this.ultraChart1.ColumnLineChart.ColumnData.IncludeColumn("col3", false);
    this.ultraChart1.ColumnLineChart.LineData.DataSource = dt;
    this.ultraChart1.ColumnLineChart.LineData.IncludeColumn("col2", false);
    this.ultraChart1.ColumnLineChart.LineData.SwapRowsAndColumns = true;