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Dockable Pane displaying in designer but not at runtime

I'm having a really tough time with this one.

I have a winform application with 2 dockable panes that flyout and hide as tabs.  One docks to a tab on the left, the other to a tab on the bottom.  In the designer, they both appear and fly out as expected. 

However, when I run the application in debugger, only the one on the left appears.  The one ot the bottom just isn't there, no tab, no pane.

Things I've tried:

 - pinning the pane in the designer (still no pane at runtime)

 - programatically running the flyout() method to see if it would display (no pane).

 Any advice on how I should debug this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks so much.



  • 44743

    Make sure you have SaveSettings set to False on your dock manager. It sounds to me like settings from a previous debug run are overwriting your latest design-time changes. If that is not the case, it could be a bug and I would recommend submitting the issue to the support group: