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PaneHidden event only fires once

We are experiencing a problem with the paneHidden event.  It will fire the first time the X(close button) is clicked but will not fire again  after the pane is shown again.  We are using Version 2007 release 2.  The pane is shown again using the Show method after getting it from the workspace and using the paneFromControl method.   Do you have any recommendations? This is a pressing issue for us.

public static void ToggleDockableControlPaneVisible(WorkItem workspaceWorkItem, Control view)
            UltraDockWorkspace workspace = workspaceWorkItem.Workspaces[WorkspaceNames.DockMainWorkSpace] as UltraDockWorkspace;

            if (workspace != null)
                DockableControlPane pane = workspace.PaneFromControl(view);
                if (pane.IsVisible)

 void DockWorkspace_PaneHidden(object sender, PaneHiddenEventArgs e)

            if (ActivePaneClosed != null)
                if (e.Pane.Closed)
                    ActivePaneClosed(this, new ActivePaneClosedEventArgs(e.Pane.TextTab));