Hello All,
I am working on Infragistics Combo editor .I have changed the drop down style of combo editor to drop down as i want to edit the text.Few things which i want to do are as follows:
a) I want focus(with blue back ground) only on first four letter rather then whole text to be selected.
b) When i select a text in UltraDropdown which is having length more then the size of comboeditor control it shows the last portion of the text.I want it to show text from first letter rather then to see the last letters of the string .(This is similar to when you select an item in ultradropdownlist it showsitem from left to right)
Prabhat Chauhan
Thanks a lot Matt for listening and suggesting me.
Here dropdownlistwidth property doesn't helping insolving the problem by the way i have submitted this question on the link you suggested.
Thanks a lot ..
I guess I had misread your question initially, since I don't think that the selected text has anything to do with the text that is shown in the dropdown portion itself. Unfortunately, I don't really know of any workaround to cause the textbox to scroll all the way to the left offhand while maintaining all of the text selection. As for the dropdown portion, you may be better off setting the DropDownListWidth property to a value that will allow you to see all of the text in the list.
You should probably submit a small sample to Developer Support so that they can take a look at your sample and see if they can point you in the right direction.
Hello Matt,
I am using Infragistics Win ComboEditor
version : 6.3.20063.1091
and please tell me when you use Infragistics drop down at your machine and select and item in the drop down which have the length of the text greater then length of the control at that time you are able to see the portion of the text starting from the first letter as selected as happens in case of dropdownlist when you select an item.
If you are able to see the first portion of the text when you select an item in combo drop down then that means i am not having that hot fix .
Thanks Matt,Let me explain you briefly actually i am using UltraComboEditor dropdown not dropdownlist.but i want my drop down to show the text starting from the left when selected this doesn't happen when we use dropdown it shows the ending portionof the text.Please see the attached Image.I cant use this.ultraComboEditor1.SelectionStart = 0; this.ultraComboEditor1.SelectionLength = 0; because i want my combodrop down to be editable and also text selected(starting from the first letter) .Problem To Track : How to make a dropdown to show the text starting from the first portion (WITH WHOLE TEXT SELECTED) here i am not bothered by last portion of the text i want my first portion of text visible as happens in case of dropdownlist(I am not using dropdownlist but i want this behaviour of dropdownlist in my dropdown).
Note: I am not using DropDownList.I am using dropdown so that i can type in to it and it will search coresponding text from list.Matt i have tried to send you image and sample source as attachment but not able to do so if you require then please give me your email id.
Thanks matt for helping and listening. Regards,Prabhat Chauhan
When I directly set the text of the UltraComboEditor, the text is correctly set to the left for me. The only time where I had the issue you were describing is when I select a new value from the dropdownlist (as you mentioned above as well). In order to get around this, I used:
private void ultraComboEditor1_AfterCloseUp(object sender, EventArgs e){ this.ultraComboEditor1.SelectionStart = 0; this.ultraComboEditor1.SelectionLength = 0;}
If you're having this issue when assigning the Text property, then it's possible that there was a bug fix at some point, so you should ensure that you have the latest hotfix.