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Node expansion

I am assigning a datasource to the tree view, it has three levels. The third level dosent have any child but then also it shows an '+' sign. how do i remove the sign ?

  • 69832
    Verified Answer
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    By default, when the tree is bound to a data source, the UltraTree.Override.ShowExpansionIndicator property resolves to 'CheckOnExpand', which means that the indicator will be there until the node is first expanded, at which time it will either stay there or disappear based on whether there are any child nodes. This is a performance optimization based on the premise that, since accessing the child rows can be a relatively expensive operation, it should be deferred until the user requests them. You can set this property explicitly to 'CheckOnDisplay' if you want to override this behavior, but note that you can be introducing a performance hit by doing so.

    If you know that all level three nodes have no children, you can set the UltraTree.NodeLevelOverrides[2].ShowExpansionIndicator property, which will not affect performance.